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News — Covid-19

2020, but Make it Fashion

2020, but Make it Fashion

An ode to 2020. Through fashion, photography and poetry we encapsulate the wildest, most intense year of our lifetime. Read poem...

Mini-Meditations to Relieve Anxiety and Stress

Mini-Meditations to Relieve Anxiety and Stress

The outbreak of COVID-19 has impacted everyone differently, nonetheless, no one has been immune to the effects and challenges it has created: from existing to potential health issues, job loss, businesses losing revenue (or having to completely shut down) and many are juggling their 9-5 workload from home while homeschooling children and caring for loved ones near and far. Even as we phase into “reopening” some areas, so many questions still go unanswered and much uncertainty remains on the future of the world’s economy and the return of our daily normalcy.

When your life has been shaken up to the extent this pandemic has caused, it is almost inevitable that some levels of

How to Make Working-From-Home Work for You

How to Make Working-From-Home Work for You

4 simple ideas to be more productive while enjoying the comfort of a personalized space.

For the people who secretly (and some less covertly) wished to spend more time working from home, their fantasy unexpectedly became reality a few weeks ago. Shortening the commute from a grueling hour of bumper-to-bumper traffic, to simply hanging a right at the bathroom straight into the home office, has been a glorious change. In some of those fantasies, sleeping-in and